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Saturday, 12 December 2015
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
ialah sebuah filem arahan Yasmin Ahmad, dan merupakan yang terakhir dalam
hayatnya, yang ditayangkan di pawagam Malaysia selama sebulan mulai 26 Mac
2009, dan ulang tayangnya disiarkan pada 13 hingga 19 Ogos sempena memperingati
pemergian Yasmin pada 25 Julai.
filem-filem arahan Yasmin yang lain, filem Talentime memaparkan kisah hubungan
cinta tanpa mengira kaum, agama atau latar kebudayaan seumpamanya.
Tatkala negara dilanda krisis hubungan kaum,
Allahyarham Yasmin Hamid telah menjadikan Talentime sebagai penghubung antara
kaum menerusi karyanya itu. Filem ini juga berjaya mengetengahkan elemen
perpaduan melalui hubungan persahabatan dan perintaan remaja tanpa mengira
kaum. Atas unsur-unsur inilah, filem ini dipilih sebagai pemenang ketika
kerajaan memperkenalkan gagasan I Malaysia bagi menyatupadukan kaum.
Antara yang
menarik dalam Talentime ialah bukan
sekadar kisah pencarian bakat seperti diari Akademi Fantasia ataupun OIAM
Diaries dan yang sekufu dengannya. Bukan sekadar cerita, malah terdapat
sindiran-sindiran halus dan realiti kehidupan yang benar-benar berlaku di
sekeliling kita.
contoh, watak kecil seperti Mei Ling membawa mesej yang besar. Mei Ling
merupakan orang Cina yang menjadi orang gaji di rumah keluarga Melayu. Mei Ling
memeluk Islam. Mei Ling bukan masuk Melayu atau menjadi orang Arab. Mei Ling
dipandang jelik oleh Datin Kosong (ops Kalsom) kerana Mei Ling tiada nama yang
bunyi Melayu atau Arab. Walhal, hakikatnya, Mei Ling nampak lebih Islam
daripada Datin Kosong atau Kalsom.
Begitu juga
sindiran pelajar Cina,Kahoe terhadap Hafiz lakonan Shafie Naswip. Dia memerli
orang Melayu walau selemah mana sekalipun, suatu hari kelak pasti akan dibantu.
Realitinya, itu yang berlaku dalam negara kita, di mana orang bumiputera
mendapat hak keistimewaan tertentu. Yang penting, Yasmin menekankan aspek
perpaduan dan bersatu-padu di kemuncak cerita ini.
kini sudah ada sistem meritokrasi menggantikan sistem kuota bagi kemasukan
pelajar ke institusi pengajian tinggi. Rentetan masalah sebenarnya tak berakhir
di sini. Benar, Mungkin orang Melayu 'ditolong' sehingga ke tahap masuk
universiti. Tetapi realitinya di alam pekerjaan terutama sektor swasta, orang
Cina terutamanya memiliki peluang dan ruang pekerjaan yang lebih luas.
Sesetengah syarikat tanpa segan silu meletakkan syarat fasih berbahasa Mandarin
untuk diambil bekerja. Hal ini menunjukkan keadilan .
Cerita ni
ada segala ramuan yang ada dalam perpaduan kaum. segala rasa dapat dirasa.
Pahit, manis, masin, kelat, masam dan sebagainya. Setiap watak utama,
dihidupkan dengan jayanya oleh setiap pelakon tak kira pucuk muda seperti Jac,
Pamela dan Mahesh termasuk watak-watak tempelan ataupun kemunculan istimewa
seperti watak Ida Nerina dan Mei Ling
Talentime tidak sah pula kalau tidak sebut mengenai lagu yang melatari cerita
ini. Lagu Urdu, O re piya dendangan Rahat Fateh Ali Khan sememangnya mempunyai
unsur kesepaduan dan penyatuan bangsa. Lagu yang sungguh indah melodinya
termasuk maksudnya. Begitu juga lagu-lagu ciptaan Pete Teo yang dinyanyikan
oleh Atilia dan Aizat dengan begitu merdu sekali.
Dari sudut
jalan cerita. Filem Yasmin memang tidak ‘klise’.
Maksudnya, kita tidak boleh mengagak perjalanan plot cerita yang selanjutnya. pujian harus diberikan kepadanya kerana berada
di kelas tersendiri.
Filem Talentime ialah filem berjiwa Malaysi. Hal ini kerana
dalam filem ini terdapat kaum melayu, cina, dan india dan begitu juga Malaysia yang
terdiri daripada pelbagai kaum. Ada orang Melayu, Cina, India tidak lupa juga
mereka yang wujud hasil 'kahwin campur'. Dan sebuah sekolah menengah menjadi
saksi bagaimana kaum-kaum ini hidup bermasyarakat di bawah satu bumbung
sekolah. Mungkin inilah dikatakan bangsa Malaysia. Secara peribadi, saya tidak berasa
bangga sangat lahir sebagai Melayu, tetapi sangatbersyukur sangat-sangat lahir
sebagai Muslim.
cuba memecahbelahkan dinding penghalang ataupun 'divider' antara orang Melayu,
Cina dan India. Kita dapat menyaksikan betapa 'prejudis'nya kaum lain terhadap
kaum kita dalam filem ini. Dan tanpa kita sedari, kita tak dapat menghalang
kuasa cinta. Kerana cinta tak kenal siapa. Cinta tak kenal suku bangsa kaum
sesiapa seperti cinta yang wujud antara Mahesh dan Melor. Cinta tak kira usia
sebagaimana watak Mak Hafiz merasai manisnya cinta di saat-saat genting. Dan
cinta juga tak kenal rupa paras dan fizikal seperti Cikgu Adibah yang besar
juga mempunyai peminat.
aspek lakonan, rata-rata pelakon yang dipilih Yasmin memang mengesankan. Teraju
utama, Mahesh dan Pamela mulanya tampak kekok dan agak janggal, namun lama
kelamaan 'chemistry' mereka menyerlah terutama ketika 'klimaks'. Dan babak
paling menarik semestinya cara mereka berkomunikasi. Mahesh yang pekak dan bisu
menggunakan henfon menulis SMS supaya Melor faham. Ia sangat bermakna dan pujian seharusnya diberikan kepada Mahesh,
yang membuktikan 'silence' memberikan jiwa kepada lakonannya. Ekspresi wajahnya
memang kelihatan hidup.
Victor tidak menghampakan. Jac boleh pergi jauh sekiranya diberikan watak yang
lebih menonjol dan mencabar. Shafei Naswip usah dipertikaikan wibawanya. Kali
ini, si 'Mukhsin' ber'speaking' selaras dengan watak Hafiz yang pandai (dapat
markah 100% dua kali) dan berbakat mencipta dan menyanyikan lagu BI. watak ibu
Mahesh lakonan Sukarnia. Penjiwaan yang begitu emosi sekali.
Talentime seperti filem Yasmin terdahulu, sekali lagi menjadikan Ipoh sebagai
lokasi wajib. Yasmin beritahu kepada wartawan, memandangkan Ipoh merupakan
tempatnya dibesarkan, maka segenap ceruk dan pelusuk Ipoh yang menarik untuk
disinematografikan bukanlah suatu rahsia baginya. Yasmin menggunakan latar
tempat sebuah kampung yang terpencil di ibu kota, yang di dalamnya mengandungi
sebuah keluarga yang hidup secara harmoni dan ada ketikanya bergolak dengan
kehidupan masing-masing. Keharmonian masyarakat dalam keluarga Harith ( anaknya
Melur ) di gambarkan secara aman dan penuh dengan kemesraan antara bapa dan
anak, ibu dan anak dan keluarga dengan pembantu rumah adalah salah satu
gambaran realiti yang benar-benar berlaku dalam masyarakat Malaysia.
mesranya sebuah keluarga tersebut, tetapi masih ada lagi kaum yang begitu
prejudis terhadap kaum lain. Ini di gambarkan oleh Yasmin melalui kehidupan
keluarga Mahesh yang bergolak dengan dua situasi iaitu, pertama, Kehidupan
silam pak cik saudaranya yang pernah menjalinkan hubungan dengan seorang wanita
Indian-Muslim ( diceritakan melalui ibu Mahesh kepada Bhavani), kedua,
pergolakan perasaan anaknya, Mahesh terhadap rasa cintanya pada gadis melayu
bernama Melur, lakonan Pamela Chong.
seseorang yang memeluk agama islam perlu menukar namanya menjadi seperti
islam?. Itulah yang cuba dipersoalkan Yasmin melalui Talentime, di mana
persoalan tersebut cuba ditimbulkan melalui watak Datin Kalsom, lakonan Ida
Nerina semasa dalam perjalanan mereka menuju ke Genting bersama keluarga Harith
dalam sebuah kereta.
Dalam situasi ini, Datin Kalsom mempersoalkan
apakah Mei Ling yang memeluk islam tidak menukar namanya menjadi islam. Ini
dijawab Yasmin melalui karektor ibu Melur lakonan Mislina Mustaffa, di mana
beliau memberikan jawapan bahawa 'Mei Ling memeluk islam bukannya bertukar
menjadi melayu'. Ini bermakna, Yasmin mengkritik secara jelas pemikiran rakyat
Malaysia keseluruhannya yang begitu prejudis kepada kaum lain sekiranya mereka
bertukar agama, dan tidak bertukar nama. Dalam Talentime, isu ini digambarkan
secara komedi di mana garapan tersebut tidak menjadi kontroversi, malahan ia
sebuah kritikan yang agak mendalam.
Yasmin Ahmad
sedaya-upaya memasukkan isu-isu dan mesej-mesej yang menarik dalam filem ini.
Baik mesej agama, perpaduan,kekeluargaan dan mengenai politik. terlalu banyak
elemen yang di masukkan yang membuatkan filem ini punya pelbagai warna. Setiap
watak dan kumpulan watak membawa dan mendukung satu mesej atau isu.
System of
An exchange system or trade network can be defined
as any manner in which consumers connect with producers. Regional exchange
studies in archaeology describe the networks that people used to gain, barter
for, purchase, or otherwise obtain raw material, goods, services and ideas from
the producers or sources, and to move those goods across the landscape. The
purpose of exchange systems can be to fulfill both basic and luxury needs.
Archaeologists identify networks of exchange by using a variety of analytical
techniques on material culture, and by identifying raw material quarries and
manufacturing techniques for specific types of artifacts.Exchange systems have
been a focus of archaeological research since the mid-19th century, when
chemical analyses were first used to identify the distribution of metal
artifacts from central Europe. One pioneer study is that of archaeologist Anna
Shepard who during the 1930s and 40s used the presence of mineral inclusions in
pottery sherds to provide evidence for a widespread trade and exchange network
throughout the southwestern United States.
Economic Anthropology and Exchange Systems
The underpinnings of the exchange systems research
were strongly influenced by Karl Polyani in the 1940s and 50s. Polyani, an
economic anthropologist, described three types of trading exchange:
reciprocity, redistribution, and market exchange. Reciprocity and
redistribution, said Polyani, are methods that are embedded in long-range
relationships that imply trust and confidence: markets, on the other hand, are
self-regulating and disembedded from trust relationships between producers and
Reciprocity is a behavioral system of trade, which
is based on the more or less equal sharing of goods and services. Reciprocity
could be defined simply as "you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours":
you do something for me, I'll reciprocate by doing something for you. I'll
watch your cows, you'll provide my family with milk.
Redistribution involves a collection point from
which goods are apportioned out. In a typical redistribution system, a village
chief collects a percentage of the produce in a village, and provides it to
members of the group based on need, gifts, feasting: any one of a number of
etiquette rules that have been established in a given society.
Market exchange involves an organized institution,
in which goods producers congregate at specified locations at specified times.
Either barter or money exchange is involved to allow consumers to obtain
required goods and services from purveyors. Polyani himself argued that markets
may or may not be integrated within community networks.
The oldest mode of exchange is Reciprocity which is
used in egalitarian societies, like that of the Ju/’hoansi. There are three
different types of reciprocity: generalized, balanced, and negative
Generalized reciprocity is an exchange where return
isn't expected right away and the value of this return isn’t specified. This is
based on the assumptions that all exchange balances out, like that between
family members. This is largely based on trust.
Balanced reciprocity (or also known as Symmetrical
reciprocity) is when exchange is made with the expectations that those who give
an amount will get the same in return. This, unlike generalized reciprocity,
has a specified time limit as to when the return should be made. The
Ju/’hoansi, who use reciprocity in their societies in all forms, use balanced
reciprocity. They distinguish between what they barter, which requires
immediate balanced exchange (this is similar to our shopping experiences, where
it's expected that money will be immediately exchanged for goods). With in the
Ju/'hoansi, this also includes hxaro, which establishes that this exchange
entitles obligations between the two in the future.
Negative reciprocity is when a party tries to
exchange without having to give up any value, which is the opposite of balanced
exchange. "This can range from haggling prices to outright seizure."
Reciprocity, the most ancient mode of exchange, was
the exchange of goods and services of equal value. Generalized reciprocity can
be defined as when the individuals involved just assume that the exchange will
balance out. Nothing is expected immediately and a value of return is not
established before the exchange is made. This type of reciprocity occurs often
between parents and children. Balanced reciprocity, the opposite of
generalized, is when a specific value of return and under an established time
limit is expected. This exchange can be found between those in relationships.
For example, when boyfriends and girlfriends exchange gifts of equal value and
expect the same in return at Christmas. Negative reciprocity is the exchange of
goods or services when at least one party attempts receive something for nothing
in return without suffering consequences. This type of reciprocity can involve
haggling or in some cases seizure.
"In cultural anthropology and sociology,
reciprocity is a way of defining people's informal exchange of goods and
labour; that is, people's informal economic systems. It is the basis of most
non-market economies. Since virtually all humans live in some kind of society
and have at least a few possessions, reciprocity is common to every culture.
Marshall Sahlins, a well known American cultural anthropologist, identified
three main types of reciprocity in his book Stone Age Economics (1972).
Generalized reciprocity is the same as virtually
uninhibited sharing or giving. It occurs when one person shares goods or labor
with another person without expecting anything in return. What makes this
interaction "reciprocal" is the sense of satisfaction the giver
feels, and the social closeness that the gift fosters. In industrial society
this occurs mainly between parents and children, or within married couples. In
other cultures generalized reciprocity can occur within entire clans or large
kin groups, for instance among the east Semai of Malaysia. Between people who
engage in generalized reciprocity, there is a maximum amount of trust and a
minimum amount of social distance.
Balanced or Symmetrical reciprocity occurs when
someone gives to someone else, expecting a fair and tangible return at some
undefined future date. It is a very informal system of exchange. The
expectation that the giver will be repaid is based on trust and social
consequences; that is, a "mooch" who accepts gifts and favors without
ever giving himself will find it harder and harder to obtain those favors. In
industrial societies this can be found among relatives, friends, neighbors, and
coworkers. Balanced reciprocity involves a moderate amount of trust and social
Negative reciprocity is what economists call barter.
A person gives goods or labor and expects to be repaid immediately with some
other goods or labor of the same value. Negative reciprocity can involve a
minimum amount of trust and a maximum social distance; indeed, it can take
place among strangers."
John Restakis (in ch. 6 of Humanizing the Economy):
"Reciprocity is the social mechanism that makes
associational life possible. It is the foundation of social life. In its
elements, reciprocity is a system of voluntary exchange between individuals
based on the understanding that the giving of a favour by one will in future be
reciprocated either to the giver or to someone else. A simple example is the
loan of a lawn mower by one neighbour - call him Frank, to another – say, Fred.
Frank makes the loan on the assumption that at some later date Fred will return
the favour. If Fred does not, the basis of reciprocity falls apart. No more
loaning of the lawnmower to Fred. Moreover Fred’s non-reciprocity, if it
continues, becomes reputational. Others will stop extending favours to Fred
also. So willingness to reciprocate is a basic signal of the sociability of an
individual. Taken to an extreme, the complete unwillingness of an individual to
reciprocate is tantamount to severing the bonds between themselves and other
people. Reciprocity is thus a social relation that contains within itself
potent emotional and even spiritual dimensions. These elements account for an
entirely different set of motivations within individuals than behaviour in the
classical sense of “maximizing one’s utility” as a consumer.
Reciprocity animates a vast range of economic
activities that rest on the sharing and reinforcement of attitudes and values
that are interpersonal and constitute essential bonds between the individual
and the human community. What is exchanged in reciprocal transactions are not
merely particular goods, services and favours, but more fundamentally the
expression of good will and the assurance that one is prepared to help others.
It is the foundation of trust. Consequently, the practice of reciprocity has
profound social ramifications and entails a clear moral element. Reciprocity is
a key for understanding how the institutions of society work. But it is also an
economic principle with wholly distinct characteristics that embody social as
opposed to merely commercial attributes. When reciprocity finds economic
expression in the exchange of goods and services to people and communities it
is the social economy that results. Examples range from the provision of burial
services through the creation of friendly societies in the 1800s to the
promotion of neighborhood safety through organizations like Neighborhood Watch
Finally, reciprocity is egalitarian – it presupposes
a direct relationship of equality between the individuals involved. It is very
different from altruism where the giver may have no relation to the receiver
and where there is a clear asymmetry of power, as is the case with
Contemporary Reciprocity
"In experiments and surveys people are not
stingy, but their generosity is conditional. Moreover, they distinguish among
the goods and services to be distributed, favoring those which meet basic
needs, and among the recipients themselves, favoring those thought to be
"deserving." Strong reciprocity and basic needs generosity better
explain the motivations that undergird egalitarian politics than does
unconditional altruism. By "strong reciprocity" we mean a propensity
to cooperate and share with others similarly disposed, and a willingness to
punish those who violate cooperative and other social norms--even when such
sharing and punishing is personally costly. We call a person who acts this way
Homo reciprocans. Homo reciprocans cares about the well-being of others and
about the processes determining outcomes--whether they are fair, for example,
or violate a social norm. He differs in this from the self-regarding and outcome-oriented
Homo economicus. We see Homo reciprocans at work in Chicago's neighborhoods, in
a recent study that documented a widespread willingness to intervene with
co-residents to discourage truancy, public disorders, and antisocial behaviors,
as well as the dramatic impact of this "collective efficacy" on
community safety and amenities.1
Homo reciprocans is not committed to the abstract
goal of equal outcomes, but rather to a rough "balancing out" of
burdens and rewards. In earlier times--when, for example, an individual's
conventional claim on material resources was conditioned by noble birth or
divine origin--what counted as balancing out might entail highly unequal
comfort and wealth. But, as we will see, in the absence of specific
counter-claims, modern forms of reciprocity often take equal division as a
reference point."
Anna Harris: "Reciprocity – defined as the
practice of exchanging things with others usually for mutual benefit. Michel
describes reciprocity as the basis of the social bond, and designates it as a
voluntary act. Clearly there is some obligation implied if not specified, since
'complete unwillingness' to reciprocate can lead to a severance of social
bonds. This unwillingness might also be seen as a result of 'psychological
distress' as described by David Smail .
In other words 'unwillingness' need not be conceived
of as some sort of personal failure, but could also be understood as a response
to certain social conditions and structures which have not (yet) evolved to
supporting individuals in reaching their full potential. This would indicate
that societies where reciprocity is the basis of the social bond, are
themselves still in transition, have not evolved beyond / transcended the ego.
To paraphrase one of Thomas Huebl's talks, he
describes the ego, which is mainly concerned with getting something for itself,
as going through different phases of development: initially in childhood, the
child is dominated by its constant need to receive; then the mature adult who
looks for a more balanced exchange, (the market or reciprocity), lastly,
transcending the ego, by experiencing abundance through connection to higher
energies, and being inspired to pass this on by giving in service. Thomas sees
this last phase as a precondition for a sustainable society.
I believe this is what we are seeing in the
beginnings of the p2p movement, the 'shareable society' and the reclamation of
the commons. The traditional role of women as the care-givers, ie. giving
without asking for return, also fits in here. Reciprocity is best seen as a
stage (of course stages overlap) in our awakening consciousness, the spiritual
component to which Bauwens alludes, and a development out of the childhood
selfishness/ self-centered focus on private interests and gain.
The same applies to trust. In so far as trust is
dependent on an expected return, whether to the giver or someone else, whether
now or in the future, there will be an obligation on the receiver, and in that
sense it will not be a free association. I understand that Michel is
approaching from the viewpoint of designing an economy which serves the
interests of the community. However the greatest good is not that which serves
the community, but that which serves the community and the individual. The
principle of reciprocity, while serving the community, does not provide for the
freedom of the individual. On the contrary it obliges the individual to
reciprocate at some point." (networked labour mailing list, May 2014)
Redistribution is a mode of exchange that involves
some sort of centralized social organization. Members of a group contribute items
such as food, money, clothing, etc. to the central organization, and the
organization then redistributes the items to the members of the group.
Redistribution can occur on a small scale or a very
large scale. A small scale example of redistribution is a class party. Each
person is assigned something to bring – chips, salsa, pop, brownies, napkins,
utensils, etc. On the day of the party, everyone brings in their items to share
with each other. The Salvation Army is a good example of a rather medium-sized
scale of redistribution. The Salvation Army collects money, clothing, household
goods, cars, and even airline miles to redistribute to those in need. A large
scale example of redistribution is the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS
collects taxes from citizens and redistributes the money throughout our
governmental system, to education, post offices, road construction, and the
Salvation Army in Lausanne
One widespread local example of redistribution is
church potlucks. For special events, several churches hold potlucks. Every
family who comes brings a single dish – anything from veggie trays to fried
rice to potato salad. All the dishes are placed together in a central area, and
when everyone has arrived, the congregation can eat a meal together from the
assortment of dishes.
Another example of this is under Big Man/Big Woman
political groupings in the South Pacific where the leader, chosen by favor, is
in charge of general affairs, and collects a certain sum (i.e. a pig) from
their group and redistributes it. This gives the Big Man/Big Woman the label of
generous, although they personally don’t give any more than anyone else. This
is also an example of the tradition of potlatch, where group members all give
goods to one, who evenly distributes these goods among the community. The main
point of this is to redistribute wealth.
Redistribution requires some form of centralized
social organization. Those who own the central position of the organization
receive economic contributions from all members of the group. With the
contributions they receive from all members of the group they redistribute
those goods to all the members of the groups in fair amounts to meet the needs
of every member of the group. A potlatch is a good example of redistribution.
When people go an event and are provided with food they then take that food and
redistribute it to all members of their family or some kind of group they
belong to. An example of this is the indigenous Americans of the northwest
coast of North America. This is a very common mode of exchange among tribes and
groups in all part of the world. It is a fair and normally well organized mode
of exchange and valued by the members of most tribes and groups.
Potlatches are ceremonies held by First Nations
peoples on the Pacific Northwest coast of the United States and Canadian
province of British Columbia such as the Haida, Tlingit, Salish and Kwakiutl
(Kwakwaka'kawakw). The potlatch takes the form of a ceremonial feast
traditionally featuring seal meat or salmon. In it, hierarchical relations
between groups were observed and reinforced through the exchange of gifts and
other ceremonies. The potlatch is an example of a gift economy, whereby the
host demonstrates their wealth and prominence through giving away their
possessions and thus prompt participants to reciprocate when they hold their
own potlatch. Although this sort exchange is widely practiced across the planet
(consider, for example, the Western practice of buying one's friends rounds of
drinks), the Northwest Coast potlatch is of a massive scale, and also served to
redistribute goods from coastal to inland ecological zones.
The native peoples of the Northwest Coast of North
America institutionalized this ceremonial redistribution of food and gifts. The
southern Kwakiutl people were the most elaborative on this custom until 1904
when the potlatch was outlawed, however the ceremony did continue to be
practiced in many societies. In 2004, the Tlingit clan members re-enacted the
ritual in Sitka, Alaska, for the 100th Anniversary Commemoration of "The
Last Potlatch". The clan members dressed in traditional Tlingit attire and
practiced Tlingit traditions for the two day long celebration. Watercolour by
James Gilchrist Swan (1818-1900) of the Klallam people of chief Chetzemoka
(nicknamed 'the Duke of York'), with one of Chetzemoka's wives (nicknamed
'Jenny Lind') distributing 'potlatch' at Port Townsend, Washington, USA.
Market Exchange is used in Capitalist societies and
is the most recently developed mode of exchange. Market exchange is the trade
of goods that are calculated in value based on a standard of value and
typically money, which are carried out by the market. Although trade and money
were developed independently, they are used together to create market exchange.
This is generally used in the Western societies, in places such as, Europe and
the United States.
Modes of exchange are the patterns involving the
three distribution techniques: reciprocity, redistribution, and market
exchange. Exchange can either be balanced or unbalanced.
Balanced Exchange: Exchange with no short or long
term marginal gain (profit).
Unbalanced exchange: Exchange where profit or
marginal gains are the end goal.
Market Exchange was invented by the capitalist
society that uses an economic system in which wealth, and the means of
producing wealth, are privately owned and controlled rather than commonly,
publicly, or state-owned and controlled. It is where currency exchange takes
place. It is where banks and other official institutions facilitate the buying
and selling of foreign currencies. Trade, money, and market institutions developed
independently and were not invented to work together. Capitalism is unique
because the three (trade, money, and market) ended up working together. This
was first done in the societies of early modern Europe. It is said that
different modes of exchange often co-exist within a single society meaning that
each society has their own way of operating and exchanging good in their
day-to-day lives.
For example, in the United States we use the market
mode or exchange, but you can still find redistribution and reciprocity.
Reciprocity if you recall is the most ancient mode of exchange, was the
exchange of goods and services of equal value and redistribution requires some
form of centralized social organization. In families in the U.S., most parents
have and income and then redistribute that income to their children and loved
ones. Parents using their income to buy their children food and clothing
without expecting return is an example of reciprocity. Some people believe that
you cannot properly understand the exchange process without first fully
understanding the production process. People who meet exchange have different
resources to use when bargaining with one another, and it is said that these
differences in resources are not shaped by the market but by the productive
As consumers, it is also important to take into
account what kind of trade or exchange you are supporting with your purchase.
Take a highly consumed north-west product, a cup of coffee. Like any product
there is a story about where it came from. In this case there is the farmer,
the distributor, and the company which you are buying it from. Is the coffee
fair trade? Does it support organic farming? It is good to know what kind of
exchange in which you are participating, but also important to know if your
dollar is being spread out in a way that you think is appropriate.
Stphen,H. (1992). Barter, Exchange and Value: An
Anthropological Approach. New York,USA. University of Cambridge.
Alexander Moore. Cultural Anthropology: The Field
Study of Human Beings. San Diego, California. Collegiate Press.
System of exchange
The oldest mode of exchange is Reciprocity which is used in
egalitarian societies, like that of the Ju/’hoansi. There are three different
types of reciprocity: generalized, balanced, and negative reciprocity.
Generalized reciprocity is an exchange where return isn't
expected right away and the value of this return isn’t specified. This is based
on the assumptions that all exchange balances out, like that between family
members. This is largely based on trust.
Balanced reciprocity (or also known as Symmetrical
reciprocity) is when exchange is made with the expectations that those who give
an amount will get the same in return. This, unlike generalized reciprocity,
has a specified time limit as to when the return should be made. The
Ju/’hoansi, who use reciprocity in their societies in all forms, use balanced
reciprocity. They distinguish between what they barter, which requires
immediate balanced exchange (this is similar to our shopping experiences, where
it's expected that money will be immediately exchanged for goods). With in the
Ju/'hoansi, this also includes hxaro, which establishes that this exchange
entitles obligations between the two in the future.
Negative reciprocity is when a party tries to exchange
without having to give up any value, which is the opposite of balanced
exchange. "This can range from haggling prices to outright seizure."
Reciprocity, the most ancient mode of exchange, was the
exchange of goods and services of equal value. Generalized reciprocity can be
defined as when the individuals involved just assume that the exchange will
balance out. Nothing is expected immediately and a value of return is not
established before the exchange is made. This type of reciprocity occurs often
between parents and children. Balanced reciprocity, the opposite of
generalized, is when a specific value of return and under an established time
limit is expected. This exchange can be found between those in relationships.
For example, when boyfriends and girlfriends exchange gifts of equal value and
expect the same in return at Christmas. Negative reciprocity is the exchange of
goods or services when at least one party attempts receive something for
nothing in return without suffering consequences. This type of reciprocity can
involve haggling or in some cases seizure.
Redistribution is a mode of exchange that involves some sort
of centralized social organization. Members of a group contribute items such as
food, money, clothing, etc. to the central organization, and the organization
then redistributes the items to the members of the group.
Redistribution can occur on a small scale or a very large
scale. A small scale example of redistribution is a class party. Each person is
assigned something to bring – chips, salsa, pop, brownies, napkins, utensils,
etc. On the day of the party, everyone brings in their items to share with each
other. The Salvation Army is a good example of a rather medium-sized scale of
redistribution. The Salvation Army collects money, clothing, household goods,
cars, and even airline miles to redistribute to those in need. A large scale
example of redistribution is the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS collects
taxes from citizens and redistributes the money throughout our governmental system,
to education, post offices, road construction, and the like.
Salvation Army in Lausanne
One widespread local example of redistribution is church
potlucks. For special events, several churches hold potlucks. Every family who
comes brings a single dish – anything from veggie trays to fried rice to potato
salad. All the dishes are placed together in a central area, and when everyone
has arrived, the congregation can eat a meal together from the assortment of
Another example of this is under Big Man/Big Woman political
groupings in the South Pacific where the leader, chosen by favor, is in charge
of general affairs, and collects a certain sum (i.e. a pig) from their group
and redistributes it. This gives the Big Man/Big Woman the label of generous,
although they personally don’t give any more than anyone else. This is also an
example of the tradition of potlatch, where group members all give goods to
one, who evenly distributes these goods among the community. The main point of
this is to redistribute wealth.
Redistribution requires some form of centralized social
organization. Those who own the central position of the organization receive
economic contributions from all members of the group. With the contributions
they receive from all members of the group they redistribute those goods to all
the members of the groups in fair amounts to meet the needs of every member of
the group. A potlatch is a good example of redistribution. When people go an
event and are provided with food they then take that food and redistribute it
to all members of their family or some kind of group they belong to. An example
of this is the indigenous Americans of the northwest coast of North America.
This is a very common mode of exchange among tribes and groups in all part of
the world. It is a fair and normally well organized mode of exchange and valued
by the members of most tribes and groups.
Potlatches are ceremonies held by First Nations peoples on
the Pacific Northwest coast of the United States and Canadian province of
British Columbia such as the Haida, Tlingit, Salish and Kwakiutl
(Kwakwaka'kawakw). The potlatch takes the form of a ceremonial feast
traditionally featuring seal meat or salmon. In it, hierarchical relations
between groups were observed and reinforced through the exchange of gifts and
other ceremonies. The potlatch is an example of a gift economy, whereby the
host demonstrates their wealth and prominence through giving away their
possessions and thus prompt participants to reciprocate when they hold their
own potlatch. Although this sort exchange is widely practiced across the planet
(consider, for example, the Western practice of buying one's friends rounds of
drinks), the Northwest Coast potlatch is of a massive scale, and also served to
redistribute goods from coastal to inland ecological zones.
The native peoples of the Northwest Coast of North America
institutionalized this ceremonial redistribution of food and gifts. The
southern Kwakiutl people were the most elaborative on this custom until 1904
when the potlatch was outlawed, however the ceremony did continue to be
practiced in many societies. In 2004, the Tlingit clan members re-enacted the
ritual in Sitka, Alaska, for the 100th Anniversary Commemoration of "The
Last Potlatch". The clan members dressed in traditional Tlingit attire and
practiced Tlingit traditions for the two day long celebration. Watercolour by
James Gilchrist Swan (1818-1900) of the Klallam people of chief Chetzemoka
(nicknamed 'the Duke of York'), with one of Chetzemoka's wives (nicknamed
'Jenny Lind') distributing 'potlatch' at Port Townsend, Washington, USA
Market Exchange
Market Exchange is used in Capitalist societies and is the
most recently developed mode of exchange. Market exchange is the trade of goods
that are calculated in value based on a standard of value and typically money,
which are carried out by the market. Although trade and money were developed
independently, they are used together to create market exchange. This is
generally used in the Western societies, in places such as, Europe and the
United States.
Modes of exchange are the patterns involving the three
distribution techniques: reciprocity, redistribution, and market exchange.
Exchange can either be balanced or unbalanced.
Balanced Exchange: Exchange with no short or long term
marginal gain (profit).
Unbalanced exchange: Exchange where profit or marginal gains
are the end goal.
Market Exchange was invented by the capitalist society that
uses an economic system in which wealth, and the means of producing wealth, are
privately owned and controlled rather than commonly, publicly, or state-owned
and controlled. It is where currency exchange takes place. It is where banks
and other official institutions facilitate the buying and selling of foreign
currencies. Trade, money, and market institutions developed independently and
were not invented to work together. Capitalism is unique because the three
(trade, money, and market) ended up working together. This was first done in
the societies of early modern Europe. It is said that different modes of
exchange often co-exist within a single society meaning that each society has
their own way of operating and exchanging good in their day-to-day lives.
For example, in the United States we use the market mode or
exchange, but you can still find redistribution and reciprocity. Reciprocity if
you recall is the most ancient mode of exchange, was the exchange of goods and
services of equal value and redistribution requires some form of centralized
social organization. In families in the U.S., most parents have and income and
then redistribute that income to their children and loved ones. Parents using
their income to buy their children food and clothing without expecting return
is an example of reciprocity. Some people believe that you cannot properly
understand the exchange process without first fully understanding the
production process. People who meet exchange have different resources to use
when bargaining with one another, and it is said that these differences in
resources are not shaped by the market but by the productive process.
As consumers, it is also important to take into account what
kind of trade or exchange you are supporting with your purchase. Take a highly
consumed north-west product, a cup of coffee. Like any product there is a story
about where it came from. In this case there is the farmer, the distributor,
and the company which you are buying it from. Is the coffee fair trade? Does it
support organic farming? It is good to know what kind of exchange in which you
are participating, but also important to know if your dollar is being spread
out in a way that you think is appropriate.
guna tanah mengikut fungsinya merupakan satu keputusan dan rumusan manusia
sumber yang terhad iaitu tanah secara optimum, di mana nilai sesuatu fungsi
adalah berteraskan kepada nilai sesuatu masyarakat. Guna tanah biasanya
merupakan kesan
penempatan dan kemajuan manusia di dalam sebuah kawasan melalui
Keperluan kegunaan guna tanah sentiasa berubah mengikut perkembangan semasa
keperluan asas aktiviti manusia di dalam kehidupan.
tanah boleh diklasifikasikan kepada bentuk aktiviti seperti perindustrian,
bandar, institusi dan sebagainya. Konsep dan definisi aktiviti guna tanah
tidak mempunyai satu keseragaman yang khusus. Di Malaysia, konsep aktiviti
tanah dipengaruhi oleh perancangan yang dilakukan oleh Jabatan Perancang Bandar
di setiap majlis daerah atau pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT). Aktiviti guna tanah
seperti guna
perindustrian, kadangkala termasuk industri kecil dan sederhana, berat dan
(1993) seperti yang dirujuk oleh Carvalho (2006) berpendapat bahawa aktiviti
tanah adalah satu istilah yang dirujuk kepada satu proses yang berhubung dengan
dalam mengolah dan menyesuaikan permukaan tanah untuk memenuhi keperluan
Manakala Zonneveld (1993) (dlm carvelina (2000) pula memberikan definisi guna
kepelbagaian aktiviti yang dijalankan oleh manusia untuk mengubah landskap
tersebut termasuklah aktiviti perburuan dan pembajakan (di dalam Carvalho,
2006). Keduadua
di atas boleh dikaitkan dengan penggunaan tanah sebagai sumber untuk meneruskan
kehidupan. Tindak balas antara manusia dan tanah merupakan penyumbang utama
aktiviti guna tanah di sesebuah kawasan.
tanah dalam perindustrian dan pertanian
merupakan salah satu sektor penting dalam pembangunan harta
di Malaysia pada masa kini. Satu sistem perancangan yang baik untuk sektor
dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pencapaiannya bagi pembangunan
(Aniza, 2001). Perkembangan pembangunan sektor industri menjadi
utama kepada pertumbuhan ekonomi negara.
adalah kegiatan pemanfaatan kegiatan sumber daya hayati yang di lakukan manusia
untuk menghasilkan bahanpangan, bahan baku industri serta untuk mengelola
lingkungan hidupnya. kegiatan pertanian secara sempit berkaitan dengan kegiatan
bercocok tanam atau budi daya tanaman agar tumbuh dengan baik
alam sekitar mempengaruhi dalam guna tanah perindustrian dan pertanian. Faktor alam sekitar semulajadi memberi kesan
terhadap pola perkembangan guna tanah kerana
bentuk muka bumi atau keadaan alam sekitar mempengaruhi dalam guna tanah sesuatu
kawasan. Contohnya di Gurun ,Kedah. Bentuk muka bumi yang terdapat di Gurun
terdiri daripada dataran ,keadaan ini menyebabkan kawasan ini menjadi
perkembangan dan persaingan guna tanah yang menyebabkan berlaku
kesesakan ruang. Sebahagian besar ruang di kawasan ini digunakan untuk tujuan
pertanian seperti ladang kelapa sawit, kawasan perkuburan dan juga sistem
pengangkutan yang banyak mempengaruhi pola petempatan di kawasan ini.
guna tanah adalah sangat ketara terutama sekali kawasan yang berada di kawasan
sekitar Pekan Gurun yang menjadi tumpuan kawasan petempatan dan juga aktiviti
ekonomi peta1 yang menunjukkan guna tanah di daerah Yan.
Daerah Yan yang terletak 48 kilometer dari
bandar Sungai Petani, 27 kilometer dari Pekan Gurun dan 50 kilometer dari
Bandaraya Alor Setar. Kawasan ini merangkumi keluasan 5 kilometer dari garisan
latitud Utara 5°47’30” hingga Utara 5°47’41” dan Timur 100° 22’30” hingga Timur 100°23’56”. Kawasan ini juga terletak
pada aras ketinggian di antara 13 hingga 100 meter dari aras laut. Kawasan ini adalah
seperti yang ditunjukkan di dalam peta Daerah Yan di bawah.
Guna tanah di sesuatu kawasan adalah dipengaruhi oleh
pelbagai faktor. Walau bagaimanapun, faktor fizikal memainkan peranan yang
sangat berkesan dalam penentuan bentuk guna tanah di sesetengah tempat diikuti
dengan faktor fizikal mikro dan faktor-faktor lain seperti pengaruh geografi
budaya yang lain.
Bentuk muka bumi
muka bumi makro adalah bentuk muka bumi fizikal yang dilihat secara umum di
kawasan tersebut yang menjadi bentuk muka bumi asas pada sesuatu kawasan. Oleh
yang demikian, bentuk muka bumi makro di kawasan tersebut hanya dapat dibahagikan tiga jenis bentuk
muka bumi yang utama iaitu tanah tinggi, dataran dan kawasan pinggir pantai seperti
yang ditunjukkan pada foto satelit di bawah dan bentuk muka bumi ini merupakan
asas bentuk-bentuk pola petempatan yang terdapat di kawasantersebut.
Tanah Tinggi.
Secara am Gunung Jerai
yang mempunyai ketinggian 1217 meter yang membentuk tulang belakang daratan di
Daerah Yan dan juga Daerah Kuala Muda. Tanah tinggi ini membentuk banjaran
tanah tinggi yang menganjur dari utara ke selatan dari Guar dan berakhir di
Merbok dengan panjang 13.2 kilometer yang berfungsi sebagai kawasan tadahan
hujan dan juga punca utama sungai di kawasan sekitar.
Oleh yang demikian,
dapat dilihat guna tanah di kawasan tanah tinggi adalah terhad pada tempat
tertentu sahaja. Malahan faktor kos pembinaan untuk mengubahsuaian bentuk muka
bumi menjadi faktor penentu utamaguna tanah.
Kedua-dua daerah di kawasan
gurun mempunyai kawasan dataran yang luas yang mana ke dua-dua daerah ini
memberi sumbangan kawasan dataran yang luas membentuk Dataran Kedah. Kawasan
dataran di kedua-dua kawasan tersebut dimanfaatkan oleh penduduk sebagai
kawasan pertanian, pusat petempatan, pusat perindustrian, pengangkutan dan juga
pelbagai aktiviti ekonomi yang lain.
Dalam pada itu, dapat
dilihat bahawa kawasan dataran adalah kawasan yang sesuai untuk pembinaan
kawasan petempatan. Berdasarkan Foto 1menunjukkan tumpuan kawasan petempatan
yang terletak di kawasan dataran di kawasan kaki Gunung Jerai.
Pinggir Pantai.
Kawasan pinggir pantai
juga merupakan satu ciri bentuk muka bumi di kawasan tersebut terutama sekali di Daerah Yan. Kawasan
pinggir pantai di kawasan kajian ini mempunyai panjang 16.2 kilometer yang
menganjur dari Yan Besar dan berakhir di Tanjung Dawai. Kawasan pinggir pantai
ini dimanfaatkan oleh penduduk sebagai pusat perikanan, petempatan dan juga
rekreasi seperti di Pantari Murni dan juga Pantai Merdeka di Merbok.
Dalam untuk mengetahui
faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi faktor alam sekitar semulajadi terhadap perkembangan guna tanah di sesebuah
kawasan petempatan di Yan dan di Gurun . gambaran ini dilihat dengan lebi
mendalam di Kg. Titi Raga dan juga kawasan petempatan kawasan sekitar cawangan
anak Sungai Kunyit untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi
perkembangan sesebuah pusat petempatan.
Titi Raga, Yan.
Untuk melihat dengan lebih dekat lagi faktor
alam sekitar semulajadi yang mempengaruhi perkembangan guna tanah di pusat
petempatan maka Kg. Titi Raga di mana kampung ini mempunyai lebih kurang 300
orang penduduk dengan 30 buah rumah persendirian yang dibina secara berpusat.
Pekerjaan utama penduduk di kampung ini adalah penoreh getah, nelayan dan
pesawah. Antara faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan guna tanah di petempatan
di Kg. Titi Raga adalah seperti berikut:-
Faktor bentuk muka bumi.
Secara am bentuk muka bumi di kawasan ini
adalah dataran yang mempunyai ketinggian di antara sembilan hingga 16 meter
dari aras laut. Oleh yang demikian, kawasan ini dimanfaatkan oleh penduduk
sebagai pusat petempatan di samping pembinaan sistem pengangkutan seperti Foto 2
di bawah.
Kesan daripada keadaan bentuk
muka bumi yang datar dan luas menyebabkan penyebaran guna tanah untuk pembinaan
kawasan petempatan semua arah dapat dilihat di kawasan petempatan ini.
Guna tanah ini tersebar ke
semua arah dan tidak tersusun di kawasan ini adalah disebabkan juga oleh faktor
pembinaan sistem pengangkutan yang dibina selepas kawasan petempatan ini telah
dibina. Sebagai kesan, didapati sistem pengangkutan di kawasan ini adalah padat
tetapi terlalu sempit menghala hampir semua arah membolehkan perhubungan ke
semua kawasan. Oleh yang demikian, keadaan ini menggalakkan pembinaan rumah
secara tidak teratur.
Perkembangan guna tanah dari
aspek pertanian di kawasan gurun ,kedah ini dilihat dalam penanaman limau
nipis. Limau nipis adalah salah satu tanaman yang sesuai ditanam kerana buahnya
ada yang diluar musim, tanaman jangka panjang dan berbuah sepanjang masa.
Projek tanaman agro limau nipis memerlukan keluasan paling minimum untuk
dikomersialkan adalah 8.4 ekar (12 relung), dan menjadikan guna tanah digunakan
sebanyak 2400 pokok.
Selain itu, guna tanah dalam
pertanian di kawasan tersebut adalah buah cempedak . hal ini kerana buah
cempedak sesuai ditanam di bawah iklim yang panas dan lembap. Walau bagaimanapun pokok pada peringkat
dewasa tidaklah begitu terjejas sangat oleh keadaan kemarau. Suhu yang sesuai untuk tanamaj cempedak ialah
antara 22oC -35oC. Curahan hujan yang
optimum untuk tanaman cempedak ialah 2500 mm setahun.
Musim berbuah bagi tanaman
cempedak dipengaruhi`oleh musim kering.&lbsp; Kawasan di daerah Yan ini
mempunyai dua musim kering yang pendek dalam setahun biasanya mempunyai dua
kali musim buah dalam setahun. Di
kawasan yang hanya mempunyai satu musim kering seperti di Perlis, Kedah,
Kelantan dan sebahagian kawasan di Terengganu, pokok cempedak berbuah hanya
sekali dalam setahun. Cempedak sesuai ditanam di berbagai jenis tanah dan
keadaan tanah yang mempunyai saliran yang baik.
Kepadatan jaringan sistem
pengangkutan memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam pembentukan guna tanah iaitu pola
petempatan di sesebuah kawasan. Hasil daripada kajian menunjukkan jaringan
sistem pengangkutan yang terdapat di Gurun adalah padat dan terancang membawa
kesan yang nyata ke atas bentuk pola
Kepelbagaian kegiatan ekonomi
penduduk sesuatu kawasan juga menentukan kepadatan dan bentuk pola petempatan
di sesebuah pusat petempatan. Kawasan yang mempunyai kepelbagaian infrastruktur
ekonomi serta kepelbagaian aktiviti ekonomi akan menarik ramai penduduk
tertumpu di kawasan berkenaan.
Oleh yang demikian, kegiatan
ekomoni sekunder dan tertier yang melibatkan perkhidmatan pemprosesan dan
perkhidmatan kepakaran seperti bank dan klinik kesihatan juga menjadikan
sesebuah kawasan petempatan menjadi lebih teratur dan terancang. Dalam aspek
perkembangan ekonomi di Kedah, secara keseluruhan yang melibatkan bandar utama
iaitu Langkawi, Alor Setar, Kulim, Sungai Petani dan Gurun menunjukkan Gurun
telah diletakkan sebagai sebuah bandar penting yang dikenali sebagai Bandar
Kenderaan Nasional (Kedah ICT, 2006) berdasarkan penilaian ekonomi oleh
kerajaan negeri.
Selain daripada itu, sistem
pengangkutan juga memainkan peranan penting dalam pembinaan bentuk pola
penempatan di kawasan ini. Kawasan yang kurang atau memiliki sistem pengangkutan
jalan raya tunggal akan menyebabkan pola petempatan yang terbentuk ialah pola
petempatan berjajar seperti yang dapat dilihat di Kg. Kilang Ketapan dan juga
Kg. Panjang yang hanya memiliki jalan raya tunggal.
Oleh kerana Gurun terletak di
tengah-tengah persinggahan perjalanan ke utara dari Sungai Petani maka tidak
hairanlah aktiviti ekonomi berasaskan perindustrian industri penting terdapat
di Gurun seperti Modenas, Petronas dan juga pembuat kereta nasional
Naza. Sehubungan dengan itu, kemasukkan penduduk di kawasan berkenaan akan
menyebabkan guna tanah meningkat dan permintaan terhadap keperluan tempat
Sulaiman, 2006, Geografi Fizikal. Selangor, Arah Pendidikan Sdn.Bhd.
Narimah Samad, 2008, Sistem Maklumat Geografi dalam Analisis
Guna Tanah. Pulau Pinang, USM.
Azman Abdullah, 2007, Kemahiran Geografi. Kuala Lumpur, Arah
Irregular Sleep Pattern
One of the causes of
amnesia among students is irregular sleep schedule. Most of student have
experienced trouble sleeping at one time or another.
Most people go to bed at
night and sleep until morning. People with irregular sleep-wake syndrome
experience disrupted sleep that is often unstructured and broken. According to
the National Institutes of Health (NIH), this syndrome is very uncommon (NIH,
From the observation,53.3%
of students state that they always having a irregular sleep schedule. 20% of
student said never & 26.67% had rarely. Its an operant conditioning. It was
because students become stress to fulfil their demand in study fields. The
results is the muscle become stress, blood pressure rises, heartbeat goes up,
overthinking and over pressure.
People with irregular sleep-wake syndrome
usually sleep one to four hours at a time. They have several sleep sessions in
a 24-hour period. The longest period of continuous sleep is typically between
the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. (Zee & Vitiello, 2009).
People with irregular
sleep-wake syndrome are not considered sleep-deprived. They get an adequate
amount of sleep. However, it is spread over a 24-hour period rather than
concentrated into seven or eight hours. People with this condition have
problems with both insomnia and excessive sleepiness during the day.
Many among college and
university students suffer from amnesia because they are more awake during the
night to complete the task and its impact on their sleep time has changed. They
are active at night and feeling tired and sleepy during the day.
This is normal and
usually temporary, due to stress or other outside factors. But if sleep
problems are a regular occurrence and interfere with daily life, it may be suffering from a sleep
disorder. Sleep disorders cause more than just sleepiness. The lack of quality
sleep can have a negative impact on energy, emotional balance, and health.
Many factors affect sleep
patterns among students. For example, some students choose to play online games
than to study. Because playing online games more appealing to them and also
play online games can be addictive to keep playing. Other factors such as
social networking, they are every night like status updates on twitter or facebook
often lose track of time. Without them knowing it can make their sleep patterns
become irregular and can interfere with concentration and learning.
Many students stay up
late to do assignments or study for a retrial. They chose to sleep late and do
chores or studying for a retrial. Some are choosing to sleep and then wake up
at dawn certain days and work assignments or study for replication. Actually it
is not good because if not better sleep patterns will be difficult to
concentrate and also have an effect on the health of students. Because at
certain hours of the night certain body parts will work during sleep, our body
processes that occur in the body will not occur and cause students experience
health problems.
The Habits of Caffein
Drinking too much
coffee, colas, or other "energy-upper drinks" is known to cause
insomnia. Caffeine from these drinks is the main reason. Chain smokers can also
be easy victims of insomnia because of the nicotine that cigarettes contain.
Additionally, herbal remedies, alcohol, and other medications can make one
prone to becoming an insomniac. Some may think that alcohol, when consumed, can
make one feel drowsy. But little do they know that in the long run, when the
alcohol gets metabolized, sudden wakefulness will follow.
Imsonia among students
can be a common cause of complain for substance abusers. This is particular
true for those students who become reliant on uppers and downers. Those
students rely on depressants like alcohol to get to sleep may struggle when the
substance isn’t available. Those students who abuse stimulants will commonly
suffer from long bouts of insomnia that can damage their mental health leading
to paranoia and psychosis.
From the observation,
53.33% of student said they rarely to consume cafein, 33.33% said always & 13.33%
said never consume caffeine. It is an opperant conditioning. It was because
student think cafein help them a lot in keeping them unsleepy, awake that
encourage them to take coffee or tea on a day.
Students who break away
from consume caffeine will often have to deal with withdrawal symptoms. This
can involve a period of time where it is difficult to sleep. This problem will
usually resolve after a few weeks away from alcohol or drugs.
Caffeine is an addictive
drug colorless and tasteless which is found in many foods and beverages we
consume. also found in several drugs as a cardiac stimulant and also as a mild
diuretic to increase urine production. Food and beverages such as coffee, tea,
chocolate, and cola all contain caffeine, which can cause insomnia and sleep
Caffeine can give a
boost of energy and the high alertness and is often used to stay awake longer.
People from all walks of life use it to stay awake late into the night while
others feel as if they can not function properly without a cup of coffee in the
As well as an addictive
drug, caffeine stimulates the brain in much the same way as amphetamines,
cocaine, and heroin. Although the overall effect of caffeine is lighter than
other drugs, but still manipulate the same brain drain that makes caffeine
Caffeine consumption has
been linked to sleep disorders, including insomnia, due to physiological
effects. Insomnia is a condition when student or a person have trouble sleeping
or can not fall asleep at all. Although insomnia symptoms usually last only a
few nights, a few patients have symptoms lasting for months or even years in
extreme cases.
Although insomnia can be
caused by many other factors such as stress, mental problems ,, drugs or
alcohol, lack of exercise, excessive noise or light, and certain physical
illnesses, it has been found that the consumption of caffeine is the most
common cause of sleep disorders.
If your sleep has been
interrupted for more than several weeks and interfere with your ability to
function normally during the day, you should first consult your doctor.
Caffeine is known to
directly affect the functioning of kidneys and can cause kidney and urinary
infections. The infection also can disrupt normal sleep cycle or cause trouble
sleeping. It may also students to get up several times at night to urinate,
which will cause REM sleep cycle, which in turn will make they feel tired when
wake up in the morning. The main remedy for this problem is to cut caffeine
intake. Because caffeine does not affect anything to the flavor of coffee or
other drink, try switching to decaffeinated versions. Do not forget to drink a
glass of water before going to bed at night to clean up kidneys.
(1) Explain where, when and how each of the
Trimates started their conservation work
(2) Elaborate on the most challenging
conservation problem each of them faced
Explain what they did or are doing to overcome their respective problems
Which of the Trimates do you find most inspiring and why?
1) Jane Goddal, Dian Fossey and Birute Galdikas
have been named as The Trimates or Leakey’s Angels as they each have been sent
by Dr Leakey to study a primate each. Jane Goodall were in charge of the
chimpanzees, Dian Fossey, the gorillas, and Birutė Galdikas, the orangutans.
Goodall started her conservation work at Africa
where Goodall had always been passionate about animals and Africa, which
brought her to the farm of a friend in the Kenya highlands in 1957.From there,
she obtained work as a secretary, and acting on her friend's advice, she
telephoned Louis Leakey, a Kenyan archaeologist and palaeontologist, with no
other thought than to make an appointment to discuss animals. Leakey, believing
that the study of existing great apes could provide indications of the
behaviour of early hominids was looking
for a chimpanzee researcher, though he kept the idea to himself. Instead, he
proposed that Goodall work for him as a secretary. After obtaining his wife
Mary Leakey's approval, Louis sent Goodall to Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, where
he laid out his plans. In 1958, Leakey sent Goodall to London to study primate
behaviour with Osman Hill and primate anatomy with John Napier. Leakey raised
funds, and on 14 July 1960, Goodall went to Gombe Stream National Park,
becoming the first of what would come to be called The Trimates. She was
accompanied by her mother, whose presence was necessary to satisfy the
requirements of David Anstey, chief warden, who was concerned for their safety;
Tanzania was "Tanganyika" at that time and a British protectorate. Leakey
arranged funding and in 1962, he sent Goodall, who had no degree, to Cambridge
University where she obtained a PhD degree in Ethology. She became only the
eighth person to be allowed to study for a PhD there without first having
obtained a BA or BSc.Her thesis was completed in 1965 under the tutorship of
Robert Hinde, former master of St. John's College, Cambridge, titled “Behaviour
of the Free-Ranging Chimpanzee”, detailing her first five years of study at the
Gombe Reserve.
While Dian Fossey started her conservation work
at Rwanda. On September 24, 1967, Fossey founded the Karisoke Research Center,
a remote rainforest camp nestled in Ruhengeri province in the saddle of two
volcanoes. For the research center's name, Fossey used "Kari" for the
first four letters of Mount Karisimbi that overlooked her camp from the south,
and "soke" for the last four letters of Mount Visoke, the slopes of
which rose to the north, directly behind camp.Established 3,000 metres (9,800
ft) up Mount Visoke, the defined study area covered 25 square kilometres . She
became known by locals as Nyirmachabelli, or Nyiramacibiri, roughly translated
as "The woman who lives alone on the mountain.
Unlike the gorillas from the Congo side of the
Virungas, the Karisoke area gorillas had never been partially habituated by
Schaller's study; they knew humans only as poachers, and it took longer for
Fossey to be able to study the Karisoke gorillas at a close distance.
Many research students left after not being
able to handle the cold, dark, and extremely muddy conditions around Karisoke
on the slopes of the Virunga Volcanoes, where paths usually had to be cut
through six-foot-tall grass with a machete.
For the last, Birute Galdikas started her
conservation work at Indonesia. At 25, Galdikas arrived in Borneo to begin her
field studies of orangutans in a jungle environment extremely inhospitable to
most Westerners. Galdikas proceeded to make many invaluable contributions to
the scientific understanding of Indonesia's biodiversity and the rainforest as
a whole, while also bringing the orangutan to the attention of the rest of the
When she arrived in Borneo, Galdikas settled
into a primitive bark and thatch hut, at a site she dubbed Camp Leakey, near
the edge of the Java Sea. Once there, she encountered numerous poachers,
legions of leeches, and swarms of carnivorous insects. Yet she persevered
through many travails, remaining there for over 30 years while becoming an
outspoken advocate for orangutans and the preservation of their rainforest
habitat, which is rapidly being devastated by loggers, palm oil plantations,
gold miners, and unnatural conflagrations.
Galdikas's conservation efforts have extended
well beyond advocacy, largely focusing on rehabilitation of the many orphaned
orangutans turned over to her for care. Many of these orphans were once illegal
pets, before becoming too smart and difficult for their owners to handle. Galdikas's
rehabilitation efforts through Orangutan Foundation International (OFI) also
include the preservation of rainforest. Although one Canadian author in the
late 1990s was critical of the rehabilitation methods, the ongoing birth of new
orangutans among the formerly-rehabilitated adult orangutans at Camp Leakey is
part of what makes it the longest continual study of a single species. The
value of Dr. Galdikas's work has been acknowledged in television shows hosted
by Steve Irwin as well as Jeff Corwin on Animal Planet. In addition, the
importance of Dr. Galdikas's concern and work towards preserving Indonesian
rain forest has been reinforced by the biofuel article of January 25, 2007, in
The New York Times and the November 2008 article in National Geographic
magazine, "Borneo's Moment of Truth." Galdikas's organization,
O.F.I., is also involved in a reforestation project, planting native trees in
previously destroyed areas of rain forest.
2) The most challenging conservation problem Jane
Goddal faced was her first attempts to observe closely a group of chimpanzees
failed,she could get no nearer than 500 yards before the chimps fled.
Others that that, Some primatologists have
suggested flaws in Goodall's methodology which may call into question the validity
of her observations. Goodall used unconventional practices in her study, for
example, naming individuals instead of numbering them. At the time numbering
was used to prevent emotional attachment and loss of objectivity. Claiming to
see individuality and emotion in chimpanzees, she was accused of "that worst
of ethological sins,anthropomorphism.
Many standard methods aim to avoid interference
by observers, and in particular some believe that the use of feeding stations
to attract Gombe chimpanzees has altered normal foraging and feeding patterns
and social relationships. This argument is the focus of a book published by
Margaret Power in 1991.It has been suggested that higher levels of aggression
and conflict with other chimpanzee groups in the area were due to the feeding,
which could have created the "wars" between chimpanzee social groups
described by Goodall, aspects of which she did not witness in the years before
artificial feeding began at Gombe. Thus, some regard Goodall's observations as
distortions of normal chimpanzee behaviour.Goodall herself acknowledged that
feeding contributed to aggression within and between groups, but maintained
that the effect was limited to alteration of the intensity and not the nature
of chimpanzee conflict, and further suggested that feeding was necessary for
the study to be effective at all. Craig Stanford of the Jane Goodall Research
Institute at the University of Southern California asserts that researchers
conducting studies with no artificial provisioning have a difficult time
viewing any social behaviour of chimpanzees, especially those related to
intergroup conflict.
The most challenging conservation problem Dian
Fossey faced was referred to her extreme tactics as 'active conservation'. This
included funding an army of anti-poaching scouts. When Fossey came across
poachers, it was said that she would employ methods of torture, burning their
possessions and occasionally kidnapping their children (Montgomery, 1991).
After her favorite gorilla, Digit, and other familiar gorillas were slain, her
anti-poaching war became personal. Not even Jane Goodall, who described Fossey
as a good friend, could condone her extreme tactics. Many individuals claim
that Fossey was responsible for bringing on her own death as much as the person
who wielded the spear that split her skull in 1985 (Montgomery, 1991). She
imposed her own laws on a sovereign nation and made enemies of the locals. Dian
Fossey did not exhibit the care for the native people that she did for the
mountain gorillas. Her attitude toward children and animals was very western in
origin. It was in her 'active conservation' that she developed the African
She used stinging nettles as a method of
torture, a concept borrowed from the African tradition. She painted hexes, cast
spells, and pronounced curses (Montgomery, 1991). To the Africans, the idea of
witchcraft was very real and Fossey used this to her advantage. Not only did
she perform witchcraft, but she came to think of herself as a witch. Although
it has been suggested that some of her personal accounts have been exaggerated,
they are thought to generally encompass a truthful basis. She experienced a great
deal of pain and emotional turmoil on her road to improve the lives of her
beloved gorillas. Many of her claims, if not reality, may have been a way for
her to emotionally enact some of the acts of hatred that she had craved to
carry out. She was outraged by the atrocities committed against the mountain
gorillas. It was not the Rwandan locals that Fossey angered as a result of her
actions, so much as the authorities that she had diverted money away from
through her tourist scare tactics. She did not like any intruders in her camp
or near the gorillas. In articles and films, she displayed the Rwandan
authorities as incompetent in protecting the mountain gorillas (Montgomery
1991). For obvious reasons, this did not sit well with Rwandan authorities and they
reacted by approaching Fossey with their concerns and options to work out their
differences. One of these options involved Fossey leaving the area, possibly
returning at a later date. She felt like she did not have time to craft
'resource management plans' or wait for diplomatic solutions to be reached, so
she employed her 'active conservation' as it was the only method she felt would
be effective in protecting the gorillas
(Montgomery, 1991).
In her later years, former students spread
rumors of her paranoia, alcoholism and aggressive behaviour toward tourists
(Montgomery, 1991). The State Department seemed most anxious to arrange her
departure, but tried to work out their differences in a seemingly diplomatic
manner (Haye,s 1990). Both the Leaky Foundation and the National Geographic
Society threatened to withhold their subsidies and by 1984, National Geographic
had completely cut off Fossey's support. She then rallied one last time, using
money from the Digit Fund (explained later, under 'Relevant Conservation
Societies') and from her book Gorillas in the Mist and significantly increased
poacher patrols. A report that she had written from the first quarter of 1984
stated that her patrols had cut 582 traps and spotted 67 poachers . Despite her
'active conservation' philosophy and the fact that she either angered or scared
a significant number of people, Dian Fossey spurred great advancements in the
area of environmental protection and awareness. The Rwandan government has
become supportive of gorilla conservation and has allocated more land around
the park for cultivation and expansion .
While the most challenging conservation problem
Birute Galdikas faced was criticised in the late 1990s regarding her methods of
rehabilitation. Primatologists debated the issue on the Internet mailing list
Primate-Talk; the issue was further fueled by the publication of articles in
Outside magazine (May 1998) and Newsweek (June 1998). As reported in both
articles and summarized in the 1999 book The Follow by Canadian novelist Linda
Spalding, the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry - with whom Galdikas had clashed
over logging policies - claimed that Galdikas held "a very large number of
illegal orangutans . In very poor conditions" at her Indonesian home,
prompting the government to consider formal charges. Galdikas denied all such
claims in a response to Newsweek in June 1999, remarking that allegations of
mistreatment were "simply, wrong" and that the "outlandish"
claims formed the basis of "a totally one-sided campaign against me."
3) Jane Goodall
overcome her respective problems and shrugged off criticism from the scientific
community, which told her she shouldn’t ascribe personalities or give chimps
names instead of assigned numbers. “See, I wasn’t wanting a career in science.
I didn’t really care,” Goodall says. Her income came from Leakey’s patrons and
National Geographic, who were fine with her approach. “I didn’t want to let
Louis Leakey down. I just passionately wanted to get enough money to go on
studying chimpanzees. I didn’t want to be a professor.”
At Leakey’s urging and to help make it easier
to raise money for her work, she took time out to earn a Ph.D. at Cambridge
University, becoming one of only eight people to do so without a bachelor’s
degree. She returned to Africa to do research the way she wanted. “If people
said I was doing it wrong, I would say: ‘Well, it’s the way I want to do it.
I’ve got the money to do it this way. If you think it’s wrong, well, then, go
and do your own study in a different way. That’s fine.’
“I had a mother who said: If people don’t agree
with you, listen to them and if you still think you’re right, have the courage
of your convictions.”
While Dian Fossey not had overcome her problem
.The tension around her camp became so high that Fossey resigned directorship
of Karisoke in 1980 and became a visiting associate professor at Cornell
University in Ithaca, New York. She also began writing Gorillas in the Mist. In
June 1983, Fossey returned to Karisoke as Director. In September of that same
year, Gorillas in the Mist was published. Years later, her book was made into a
movie, with Sigourney Weaver portraying Dian Fossey.
In December 1985, her wishes for peace with the
local government came true. Sadly though, Fossey didn't get to enjoy this
peaceful atmosphere because on December 26th, 1985, Dian Fossey was found with
her skull crushed with a panga. Her killer, probably a poacher, was never found
and she was buried in the cemetery next to her beloved gorillas. Her grave is
Lastly, Birute Galdikas overcome her problem by
just get along with her advocacy work, Galdikas does continue to conduct field
research and observe orangutans in their natural habitat. In 1995, she
published Reflections of Eden, a memoir in which she recounts her experiences
at Camp Leakey, and describes her efforts to rehabilitate orangutans for
release back into the wild.
4) The Trimates that i find most inspiring are
Birute Galdikas , it was because
Biruté Galdikas has spent her life in
relentless pursuit of an aspiration she has held from childhood. She became her
own agent for fulfilling her dreams, poring over any book she could get her
hands on as a child, and working through college and grad school to achieve her
goal of studying orangutans in their native environment. Her enthusiasm
equipped her to endure unfriendly field conditions, relentless rain, poachers,
leeches, and the constant plague of carnivorous insects.
Galdikas’s research has illuminated our
knowledge and appreciation of orangutans, humans’ most distant relative within
the great apes. She has championed the preservation of the Borneo rainforest,
more and more of which is vanishing due to human activities. Beyond a purely
scientific relationship, she developed intimate connections with the Bornean
orangutans she studied. She became a matriarch to ex-captive orphans, many of
whom travelled by her side, shared her meals, and slept beside her. She adopted
infant orangutans who would treat her as a mother and cling to her at all
times. Indeed, Biruté Galdikas has bridged the gap between our species and
theirs. Through her work, she has forged not only new knowledge, but also new
relationships that are as robust as the kinship that binds us to other humans.
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