If you ask 100 anthropologists to define culture, you’ll get
100 different definitions. However, most of these definitions would emphasize
roughly the same things: that culture is shared, transmitted through learning
and helps shape behavior and beliefs. Culture is of concern to all four
subfields and while our earliest ancestors relied more on biological
adaptation, culture now shapes humanity to a much larger extent.
· One of the
earliest definitions of culture was put forth by Tylor in 1871: “Culture, or
civilization, is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law,
morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a
member of society.”
· Another, more
modern, definition of culture is, “a society’s shared and socially transmitted
ideas, values and perceptions, which are used to make sense of experience and
generate behavior and are reflected in that behavior.”
· Culture is
universal among all human groups and even exists among some primates.
· All cultures have to provide for the physical,
emotional, and social needs of their members, enculturate new members, resolve
conflicts and promote survival for their members.
· Society must
balance the needs of the whole with the needs of the individual. If individual
needs are continually suppressed, social systems can become unstable and
individual stress can become too much to handle. Every culture has its own
methods of balancing the needs of society in relation to individual needs.
· Subcultures
are groups with distinct patterns of learned and shared behavior (ethnicities,
races, genders, age categories) within a larger culture. Despite these
distinctive traits, members of subcultures still share commonalities with the
larger society. Subcultures exist in most state level systems because those
systems are pluralistic, they encompass more than one ethnic group or culture.
Culture has five basic characteristics: It is learned,
shared, based on symbols, integrated, and dynamic. All cultures share these
basic features.
· Culture is
learned. It is not biological; we do not inherit it. Much of learning culture
is unconscious. We learn culture from families, peers, institutions, and media.
The process of learning culture is known as enculturation. While all humans
have basic biological needs such as food, sleep, and sex, the way we fulfill
those needs varies cross-culturally.
· Culture is
shared. Because we share culture with other members of our group, we are able
to act in socially appropriate ways as well as predict how others will act.
Despite the shared nature of culture, that doesn’t mean that culture is
homogenous (the same). The multiple cultural worlds that exist in any society
are discussed in detail below.
· Culture is
based on symbols. A symbol is something that stands for something else. Symbols
vary cross-culturally and are arbitrary. They only have meaning when people in
a culture agree on their use. Language, money and art are all symbols. Language
is the most important symbolic component of culture.
· Culture is
integrated. This is known as holism, or the various parts of a culture being
interconnected. All aspects of a culture are related to one another and to
truly understand a culture, one must learn about all of its parts, not only a
· Culture is
dynamic. This simply means that cultures interact and change. Because most
cultures are in contact with other cultures, they exchange ideas and symbols.
All cultures change, otherwise, they would have problems adapting to changing
environments. And because cultures are integrated, if one component in the
system changes, it is likely that the entire system must adjust.
All Cultures are inherently predisposed to change and, at
the same time, to resist change. There
are dynamic processes operating that encourage the acceptance of new ideas and
things while there are others that encourage changeless stability. It is likely that social and psychological
chaos would result if there were not the conservative forces resisting change.
There are three general sources of influence or pressure
that are responsible for both change and resistance to it:
1. forces at work within a society
2. contact
between societies
3. changes
in the natural environment
Within a society, processes leading to change include
invention and culture loss. Inventions
may be either technological or ideological.
The latter includes such things as the invention of algebra and calculus
or the creation of a representative parliament as a replacement for rule by
royal decree. Technological inventions
include new tools, energy sources, and transportation methods as well as more
frivolous and ephemeral things such as style of dress and bodily adornment.
Culture loss is an inevitable result of old cultural
patterns being replaced by new ones. For
instance, not many Americans today know how to care for a horse. A century ago, this was common knowledge,
except in a few large urban centers.
Since then, vehicles with internal combustion engines have replaced
horses as our primary means of transportation and horse care knowledge lost its
importance. As a result, children are
rarely taught these skills. Instead,
they are trained in the use of the new technologies of automobiles,
televisions, stereos, cellular phones, computers, and iPods.
Within a society, processes that result in the resistance to
change include habit and the integration of culture traits. Older people, in particular, are often
reticent to replace their comfortable, long familiar cultural patterns. Habitual behavior provides emotional security
in a threatening world of change.
Religion also often provides strong moral justification and support for
maintaining traditional ways. In the
early 21st century, this is especially true of nations mostly guided by Islamic
Law, such as Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, and Pakistan.
The fact that cultural institutions are integrated and often
interdependent is a major source of resistance to change. For instance, in the second half of the 20th
century, rapidly changing roles of North American and European women were
resisted by many men because it inevitably resulted in changes in their roles
as well. Male and female roles do not
exist independent of each other. This
sort of integration of cultural traits inevitably slows down and modifies
cultural changes. Needless to say, it is
a source of frustration for both those who want to change and those who do not.
The processes leading to change that occur as a result of
contact between societies are:
1. diffusion click this icon to hear the preceding term
2. acculturation click this icon to hear the preceding term
3. transculturation click this icon to hear the preceding term
Diffusion is the movement of things and ideas from one
culture to another. When diffusion
occurs, the form of a trait may move from one society to another but not its
original cultural meaning. For instance,
when McDonald's first brought their American style hamburgers to Moscow and
Beijing, they were accepted as luxury foods for special occasions because they
were relatively expensive and exotic. In
America, of course, they have a very different meaning--they are ordinary every
day fast food items.
Acculturation is what happens to an entire culture when
alien traits diffuse in on a large scale and substantially replace traditional
cultural patterns. After several
centuries of relentless pressure from European Americans to adopt their ways,
Native American cultures have been largely acculturated. As a result, the vast majority of American
Indians now speak English instead of their ancestral language, wear European
style clothes, go to school to learn about the world from a European
perspective, and see themselves as being a part of the broader American
society. As Native American societies
continue to acculturate, most are experiencing a corresponding loss of their
traditional cultures despite efforts of preservationists in their communities.
While acculturation is what happens to an entire culture
when alien traits overwhelm it, transculturation is what happens to an
individual when he or she moves to another society and adopts its culture. Immigrants who successfully learn the
language and accept as their own the cultural patterns of their adopted country
have transculturated. In contrast,
people who live as socially isolated expatriates in a foreign land for years
without desiring or expecting to become assimilated click this icon to hear the preceding term
pronounced participants in the host culture are not transculturating.
There is one last process leading to change that occurs as
an invention within a society as a result of an idea that diffuses from
another. This is stimulus diffusion click this icon to hear the preceding term
pronounced--a genuine invention that is sparked by an idea from another
culture. An example of this occurred
about 1821 when a Cherokee click this icon to hear the preceding term
pronounced Indian named Sequoyah click this
icon to hear the preceding term pronounced saw English writing which stimulated
him to create a unique writing system for his own people. Part of his syllable based system is
illustrated below. Note that some
letters are similar to English while others are not. To see the entire Cherokee syllabary, click
It is also likely that ancient Egyptians around 3050 B.C.
invented their hieroglyphic writing system after learning about the cuneiform
writing system invented by Sumerians in what is today Southern Iraq.
There are processes operating in the contact between
cultures as well that result in resistance to change. These are due to "us versus them"
competitive feelings and perceptions.
Ethnocentrism click this icon to
hear the preceding term pronounced also leads people to reject alien ideas and
things as being unnatural and even immoral.
These ingroup-outgroup dynamics commonly result in resistance to
acculturation and assimilation.
In order to better grasp the relationship between all of the
different mechanisms of change operating within and between societies, it is
useful to see them again in summary.
We now understand that this holistic approach to
understanding culture change must also include consideration of changes in the
environment in which a society exists.
For instance, environmental degradation of fresh water supplies, arable
land, and energy sources historically have resulted in the creation of new
inventions, migrations, and even war to acquire essential resources.
Biological adaptation in humans is important but humans have
increasingly come to rely upon cultural adaptation. However, not all adaptation
is good, and not all cultural practices are adaptive. Some features of a
culture may be maladaptive, such as fast food, pollution, nuclear waste and
climate change. However, because culture is adaptive and dynamic, once we
recognize problems, culture can adapt again, in a more positive way, to find
The diversity of cultural practices and adaptations to the
problems of human existence often lead some to question which practices are the
best. Ethnocentrism is when one views their own culture as the best and only
proper way to behave and adapt.
· Since most
humans believe their culture is the best and only way to live, there are small
amounts of ethnocentrism everywhere in the world.
· Small doses
help to create a sense of cultural pride and to build strong, cohesive groups.
· But taken to
extremes, and certainly when it includes an unwillingness to be tolerant, it
can be destructive. Ethnocentrism is at the heart of colonization and genocide.
· Cultural
anthropologists have, however, pushed for cultural relativism, the principle
that all cultures must be understood in terms of their own values and beliefs,
not by the standards of another. Under this principle, no culture is better
than any other and cultures can only be judged on whether they are meeting the
needs of their own people.
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