Sunday, 9 November 2014

pengantar sosiologi

ALEA 1102



Mengenalpasti bidang pengajian Sosiologi; pendekatan-pendekatan teoritikal dalam memahami perubahan masyarakat. Memahami budaya dan organisasi secara holistik.
Menunjukkan pendedahan tentang penyelidikan sosiologi.
Menghurai data empirikal tentang masyarakat dan organisasi sosial untuk mencetus pemikiran kritikal mengenai isu-isu semasa dalam masyarakat.
Membincang secara lebih mendalam mengenai isu ketaksamaan sosial yang wujud dalam masyarakat.
Membina penghayatan terhadap kepelbagaian budaya dalam konteks multiculturalism.

  MI- Pengenalan Kursus   
    M2-Sosiologi: Perspektif, Perkembangan & sub-bidang

    M3-Teori, Pendekatan dan Penyelidikan dalam Sosiologi

    M4-Masyarakat dan Budaya 


    M6-Organisasi dan Kumpulan    

    M7-‘Deviance’ (Penyimpangan) dan Kawalan 

    M8-Ketaksamaan Sosial 

    M9-Ekonomi dan perubahan 

    M10-Keluarga dan perubahan 

    M11-Kuasa dan Politik: Perspektif global   
    M12-Etnisiti  dan Ras

    M13-Perubahan Sosial 
   M14-Rumusan Kuliah  

Senarai Rujukan bagi Pengantar Sosiologi:
Pengarang  Tajuk 
Macionis, John (2014)  Introductory Sociology 

Henslin, James (2014)  Essentials of Sociology: A Down-  to-Earth Approach

Schaefer, R.(2006)  Sociology: A Brief Introduction 

Thio, Alex Sociology(2009)   Sociology: A Bried Introduction 
Giddens, A. (2006)  Sociology  

Sains Sosial cuba mengkaji dunia secara objektif. Dunia sosial manusia turut dikenali sebagai 'second nature.'
Sains sosial dibahagikan kepada bidang-bidang yang khusus berdasarkan ‘subject matter’ dan ‘particular focus’. 

Sosiologi dan Sains Sosial
Sains: ilmu pengetahuan yang diperolehi daripada kaedah pemerhatian yang sistematik

Sains Tulen:                                                               
  Kajian ciri-ciri fizikal                                                     
  alam semulajadi dan
  cara ianya berinteraksi
  dan perubahan yang

Sains Sosial:
 Kajian tentang ciri-ciri
 manusia dan cara
 mereka berinteraksi
 dan perubahan yang

doing sosiology
  • understanding
  • analysis
  • action 
  • reflection

Sosiologi  didefinisikan sebagai “the scientific study of society and human social behaviour”. Ianya 

berasal daripada perkataan Greek iaitu logos, yang bermaksud "study of" dan juga sociusperkataan Latin yang bermaksud "being with others." 

Political science focuses on systems of decision-making and governance within a society, and their relation to other societal institutions. It considers the manner in which political structures emerge, and tackles topics such as patterns of voting.
Economics analyzes systems of trade, the organization and structure of the marketplace and issues of money and resources within a society. It deals with the production, distribution, and allocation of the material goods and services of a society.
Anthropology has attempted to understand human culture (a people's total way of life) and social relationships by focusing primarily on preliterate people, their origins, adaptation to the environment and the development of their civilizations.
Psychology concentrates on the internal processes that serve to motivate and shape the behaviour of the individual, such as cognition and memory.
Sociology shares many similarities with the other social sciences, but remains distinctive because it explores all social institutions in an integrated fashion. The discipline focuses on industrialized societies, and looks at the network of external factors and patterns that influence people's thoughts, motives, and behaviours within their social settings. 

-Who we are is affected by the groups we belong to.
- How social relationships influence people’s attitudes
  and behaviour.
- How we affect other individuals, groups and
- Interaction takes place in patterned ways.
Two questions:
1. Why do people behave the way they do?
2. Why are their social situations the way they are?
    (Coser 1994: 4)

•Sociologists do not accept something as fact
  because “everyone knows it”
•Findings are tested by researchers, analyzed
  in relation to other data, and evaluated with
  sociological theory

ØThe sociological perspective helps us to see general
    social patterns in the behaviour of particular
ØIt allows or forces us to look beyond the outer
   appearance of our social world and discover new
   levels of reality
ØIt also encourages us to realize that society guides
   our thoughts and deeds – to see the strange in the
ØSociology also encourages us to see individuality in
   social context

ØThe sociological imagination provides the ability to see
    our private experiences and personal difficulties as
    entwined with the structural arrangements of our society
    and the time in which we live.
ØUnderstand social marginality, the state of being excluded
    from social activity as an ‘outsider’. People at the margins
    of social life are aware of social patterns that others rarely
    think about.
ØC.Wright Mills described sociological imagination as “ An
    awareness of the relationship between an individual and
    the wider society, and …the ability to view society as an
    outsider might, rather than relying only on our individual
    perspective, which is shaped by our cultural biases”.

ØThe sociological perspective helps us assess the truth of “common sense”. The sociological perspective helps us assess both opportunities and constraints in our lives
ØThe sociological perspective empowers us to be active participants in our society
ØThe sociological perspective helps us to live in a diverse world. It also encourages us to realize that society guides our thoughts and deeds – to see the strange in the familiar


A. Sociologists research just about every area of
     human behaviour.

B. Sociologists study social interaction; no human
     behaviour is ineligible for research, whether it is
     routine or unusual, respectable or reprehensible

Sociology of economy
Sociology  of politic
Sociology of religion
Sociology of the family
Urban sociology
Rural sociology
Sociology of law
Sociology of medicines
Sociology of linguistics
Sociology of the industry
Sociology of development

Medical sociology
Applied sociology
Deviance and criminology
Social structures and institutions
Social statistics
Social research methods
Human ecology
Social Inequality
Ethnic and Race relations etc….

In Conclusion, Sociologist Want To Know:
Why people behave the way they do.
Why they form groups.
Why they go to work, war or create social problems.
Why they worship, marry, vote and all such things
  that happen when people interact with one another

Self aware, social and behaviour shaped by groups.
Society system of interaction:
Individuals, groups and and organization
Human being oriented towards one another:
Shared understanding, meaningful interaction

jUsT sHaRiNg

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