Sunday, 9 November 2014


The Cycle of Socialization - How our surroundings define our personalities, and our “norms” affect our decisions, actions, and the people we turn out to be. 
Whether we want to believe it our not, our nurtured existence is reality.  Everything we see, say, and do make up who we are and define our humanity.  Everyone has a different set of norms, however we all go through the same process of socialization.
I first learned about Socialized norms in a Multi Cultural Communications class. I had never related my experiences to my perceived reflection of life.  
Bobbie Harro wrote a GREAT essay on the process, and I highly reccomend it to anyone who has a thurst for knowledge as I do! Below are links to a short essay by myself, and Bobbie Harro on the topic.
*My Personal Essay 
PDF of the Essay
Summary of socialized habits formed at childhood: “Socialization is a learning process that begins shortly after birth.  Early childhood is the period of the most intense and the most crucial socialization.  It is then that we acquire language and learn the fundamentals of our culture.  It is also when much of our personality takes shape.  However, we continue to be socialized throughout our lives.  As we age, we enter new statuses and need to learn the appropriate roles for them.  We also have experiences that teach us lessons and potentially lead us to alter our expectations, beliefs, and personality.  For instance, the experience of being raped is likely to cause a woman to be distrustful of others.”
The chart featured above is from Bobbie Harro’s well known essay
*Edits Made January 22nd 2012 regarding my recent addition to the commentary for this post located at:

The Cycle of Socialization - How our surroundings define our personalities, and our “norms” affect our decisions, actions, and the people we turn out to be. 
Whether we want to believe it our not, our nurtured existence is reality.  Everything we see, say, and do make up who we are and define our humanity.  Everyone has a different set of norms, however we all go through the same process of socialization.
I first learned about Socialized norms in a Multi Cultural Communications class. I had never related my experiences to my perceived reflection of life.  
Bobbie Harro wrote a GREAT essay on the process, and I highly reccomend it to anyone who has a thurst for knowledge as I do! Below are links to a short essay by myself, and Bobbie Harro on the topic.
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Kitaran Sosialisasi - Bagaimana persekitaran kita menentukan kepribadian kita, dan "norma" kita mempengaruhi kita keputusan, tindakan, dan orang-orang kita berubah menjadi.
Sama ada kita mahu percaya kami tidak, kewujudan kita dipupuk adalah realiti. Segala sesuatu yang kita lihat, katakan, dan melakukan make up siapa kita dan menentukan kemanusiaan kita. Setiap orang yang berbeza dari norma, namun kita semua akan melalui proses yang sama sosialisasi.
Saya pertama kali belajar tentang norma Sosialisasi dalam kelas Multi Budaya Komunikasi. Saya tidak pernah berkaitan pengalaman saya kepada refleksi saya dilihat kehidupan.
Bobbie Harro menulis esei besar pada proses, dan saya sangat mengesyorkan ia untuk sesiapa sahaja yang mempunyai thurst untuk pengetahuan seperti yang saya lakukan! Berikut adalah pautan kepada esei yang singkat oleh saya sendiri, dan Bobbie Harro mengenai topik ini.

Summary of socialized habits formed at childhood: “Socialization is a learning process that begins shortly after birth.  Early childhood is the period of the most intense and the most crucial socialization.  It is then that we acquire language and learn the fundamentals of our culture.  It is also when much of our personality takes shape.  However, we continue to be socialized throughout our lives.  As we age, we enter new statuses and need to learn the appropriate roles for them.  We also have experiences that teach us lessons and potentially lead us to alter our expectations, beliefs, and personality.  For instance, the experience of being raped is likely to cause a woman to be distrustful of others.”
The chart featured above is from Bobbie Harro’s well known essay
*Edits Made January 22nd 2012 regarding my recent addition to the commentary for this post located at:

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Ringkasan tabiat disosialisasikan terbentuk pada zaman kanak-kanak: "Sosialisasi adalah proses pembelajaran yang bermula tidak lama selepas lahir. Awal kanak-kanak adalah tempoh yang paling hebat dan sosialisasi yang paling penting. Hal ini kemudian bahawa kita memperoleh bahasa dan mempelajari asas-asas budaya kita. Ia juga adalah ketika banyak dari keperibadian kita terbentuk. Namun, kami terus disosialisasikan sepanjang hidup kita. Semakin usia kita, kita memasuki status baru dan perlu mempelajari peranan yang sesuai untuk mereka. Kami juga mempunyai pengalaman yang mengajar kita pelajaran dan berpotensi membawa kita untuk mengubah jangkaan, kepercayaan kita, dan personaliti. Sebagai contoh, pengalaman diperkosa berkemungkinan menyebabkan seorang wanita menjadi tidak percaya kepada orang lain.

jUsT sHaRiNg

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